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Head Administrator

Registered: 05-2005
Posts: 816
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Orthokeratology with high plus inverted focus day and night soft contacts!

I fitted her with Focus Night & Day lenses 8.6/13.8 - Right dominant
for distance with +1.25D and Left +3.75D, for near. She was rapt with
the results and wore them successfully for up to 30N EW, for a few
weeks. After being ill and not wearing the lenses for around two months
she came in within a month or two of resuming wear complaining of
reduced vision, particularly at near. She reported she was struggling
to read the paper and do other fine near visual tasks. Measurements
revealed that she needed more plus in the left eye [around +1.00D more]
and refraction confirmed a hyperopic shift of a similar order. Sure
enough K readings confirmed that indeed her cornea had flattened around

My comments: Whoa! Nice find! The highest plus for focus day and night
is +6 which is plenty, enough for a reduction of 1.5 to 2 diopters of
myopia! I guess this could be "poor man's" orthoK

One challenge is the person inverting the contacts inside out, sleeping
in them then waking up will see very blurry till the lenses are
removed. But the improvement in vision is amazing! Low myopes less than
-3 may greatly reduce, if not eliminate their dependacy on glasses
while more moderate myopes of -3 to -5 will experience a significent
improve in UCVA and a reduction in glasses dependacy.

7/30/2006, 12:07 pm Link to this post Send Email to Myope5   Send PM to Myope5

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